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What Are You Holding On To?


What are you holding onto? What ideas about you have you made a part of your life? Maybe you've been told you're "perfect" or you're a "neat freak," an "inspiration" or the "first person to the office" or maybe for you it's something else? It doesn't matter what it is, but what things about yourself are you working to make "true?" What things about yourself are you working to keep alive. What are you holding onto about yourself that isn't lighting your entire being on fire!? What ideas about yourself do you want to release? What are you holding onto, that isn't really you? What are you holding onto that you need to let go?


Today's video will again be less of meditation and more of a thought experiment. So find a spot where you can lay down comfortably. 



Before You Get Started | Things You'll Need


  • A quiet private space where you can lay down in comfort for 12-17 minutes.

  • Any props you might use to make yourself comfortable.

  • Pen & paper (for your thoughts).

  • 5-10 minutes of time to process afterward. 

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