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Rock On!! begins in Mumbai, with the rock band Magik, in 1998. The band are best friends and enjoy a carefree, freewheeling life together. Aditya Shroff (Farhan Akhtar) is the lead singer who rebelled against his well-to-do family to play music. Joseph (Joe) Mascarenhas (Arjun Rampal) is the lead guitarist who feels the necessity to prove his worth as a musician. Keyboardist Rob Nancy (Luke Kenny) and drummer Kedar Zaveri (a.k.a. KD/\"Killer Drummer\" (Purab Kohli) comprise the remainder of the band. After a competition is announced by Channel V, they decide to enter, as the winner will be offered an album contract and at least one music video.
At Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, we pride ourselves on hosting a non-competitive and supportive environment, where rockers of all levels can fulfill their ROCK 'N' ROLL FANTASIES!
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Sundown Cinema returns for 2022 just in time for another summer in San Francisco. This free outdoor movie series, the only one of its kind in the Bay Area, will feature eight films in eight parks across San Francisco, beginning with Sister Act II at Dolores Park on May 27, 2022.
Anyone seen using a device (phone, smart watch or accessories) during the performance will be escorted out of the venue by security. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a phone-free experience.
Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach is one of the Oregon coast's most recognizable and popular attractions. Its intertidal area is one of Oregon's seven Marine Gardens, a designation indicating its status as a protected area. Above the high tide line, Haystack Rock is protected as part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, providing habitat and viewing of a wide range of seabirds, including the most accessible colony of Tufted Puffins in the Northwest. Haystack Rock's tidepools are home to many intertidal animals, including sea stars, anemones, crabs, chitons, limpets, and nudibranchs. The most colorful and visible creatures are the sea stars exposed at low tide and the giant green anemones just below the water's surface. Its protected status requires that no animal or material be removed from within 300 yards of Haystack Rock, and climbing above the barnacle line is strictly prohibited to avoid disturbing marine life and nesting birds. Visitors are encouraged to responsibly explore this exceptional natural area, walking only on sand and bare rock to avoid destroying the sea life that can take years to recover and preserve this unique natural area for all to enjoy. It's best to plan your visit to Haystack Rock an hour or more before low tide. Always practice beach safety when exploring the intertidal zone, be aware of waves and never turn your back on the ocean.
Haystack Rock is home to several bird species that nest there during the summer. One of the most popular and colorful birds to see is the Tufted Puffin. Puffins nest on the rock from April through July and are best viewed throughout June and July. They are squat, black birds with large, bright orange bills, white facial features, and tufts of yellow feathers above the eyes. Look for them on the grassy north slope of Haystack Rock. This grassy area is where the puffins burrow tunnels into the soil, so nests, eggs, and chicks are protected from predators. On the south-facing cliffs of Haystack Rock, the lanky, greenish-black Pelagic Cormorant builds seaweed nests on precarious narrow ledges high above the surf. These birds are unmistakable, especially when posed in their highly recognizable position with wings outstretched to dry after diving for fish. The most common bird you will see along the coast is the Western Gull. Mature gulls are white with gray wing feathers, yellow bills, and pink legs. The grayish-brown gull is not a female but an immature bird under four years old. Unlike most birds, both sexes have the same appearance. The black, pigeon-sized bird with a white wing patch and bright reddish-orange legs and feet is a Pigeon Guillemot. This bird constitutes the smallest population of the nesting birds on Haystack Rock. It nests in low, level crevices about three to ten meters above the ocean. It is susceptible to human presence, so please give it lots of space. Other birds you may see at Haystack Rock include the Black Oystercatcher, Harlequin Ducks, and occasional visits from Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons, who prey on other birds at the rock.
Some of the most extensive lava flows on earth poured over the Columbia Plateau to the Oregon Coast approximately 17 million years ago. Some of this lava flowed along the old Columbia River drainage system to the ocean and intruded into the soft marine sediments. After cooling and solidifying into solid basalt rock, they remained buried until geologic uplift. Changes in sea level left these bizarre basalt formations above the surface of the water, where erosion washed away softer sediments creating the prominent headlands and rock formations that we see today. A stack or sea stack is a geological landform consisting of a steep and often vertical column or columns of rock in the sea near a coast formed by wave erosion. Stacks are developed over time by wind and water, processes of coastal geomorphology.
This event will be a phone-free experience. Use of phones, smart watches and accessories will not be permitted in the performance space. Upon arrival at the venue, all phones, smart watches and accessories will be secured in individual Yondr pouches that will be opened at the end of the event. Guests maintain possession of their devices at all times, and can access them throughout the event only in designated Phone Use Areas within the venue. All devices will be re-secured in Yondr pouches before returning to the performance space. Anyone seen using a device (phone, smart watch or accessories) during the performance will be escorted out of the venue by security. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a phone-free experience.
On the contrary, a strong case can be made that the song is NOT \"anything but a celebration of democracy.\" In fact, an argument can be made that the song is very pro-democracy and is a protest song that has advanced the argument about inequities in society. The song is clearly the work of someone who could be called a courageous patriot.The song's lyrics contain the lines:We got a thousand points of lightFor the homeless manWe got a kinder, gentler,Machine gun handThe lyrics are a direct reference to President George Bush's (#41) campaign pledge to create a compassionate citizenry volunteering to help cope with society's ills. The \"thousand points of light\" symbolize the American citizen's spirit and a shining example of giving selflessly to care for one another's neighbor and brother. Along with \"a kinder, gentler hand\", Bush believed that each American could contribute to helping make the United States -- and the world -- a better place to live and work.The song is strongly democratic and with pro-American ideals in that it is a condemnation of the supply-side/trickle down politics of President Ronald Reagan. \"Reaganomics\" involved massive tax cuts in the wealthiest brackets which supporters claimed would trickle down to lower brackets. In fact, the policies led to huge federal deficits and exploding unemployment and social decay, particularly in large urban American cities.The economic realities of the 1980's with increasing social problems -- such as homelessness and drug abuse -- made Young mock the campaign promises of President Bush as hollow rhetoric. The drug problems (\"she's gonna take a hit\") refer to the crack epidemic which swept large American cities during the 1980's.The lyrics of \"Rockin' In The Free World\" also refer to the rampant consumerism of American culture and the rise of the disposable society based on waste and pollution. if(typeof(cachebuster) == \"undefined\")var cachebuster = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)if(typeof(dcopt) == \"undefined\")var dcopt = \"dcopt=ist;\" else var dcopt = \"\"if(typeof(tile) == \"undefined\")var tile = 1 else tile++document.write('');ADVERTISEMENT We got department stores and toilet paperGot styrofoam boxes for the ozone layerGot a man of the people, says keep hope aliveGot fuel to burn, got roads to drive.The lyrics \"Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive\" refer to the Reverand Jesse Jackson's signature phrase to \"Keep hope alive.\" Young contrasts President Bush's rhetoric and Rev. Jackson's religion as solutions to society's ills, when in actuality, they are nothing more than \"feel good\" slogans with little results to show.According to Neil Young's biography Shakey, while on tour in the late 80s, Young and Frank 'Poncho' Sampedro looked at photos in a newspaper of the Ayatollah Khomeini's body being carried to his grave. These images showed mourners burning American flags in the street, which incited fear in Poncho due to the band's up coming European tour. Sampedro commented that 'whatever we do, we shouldn't go near the mideast. Its probably better we just keep on rockin' in the free world.' Then Young asked if he could make a song out of it. (source: Wikipedia)